Your assignment: Come Prepared with a Written Statement of the One Strategy You Want to Work On During Sherrin’s Presentation.
Below are three optional tools to help you create your written strategy statement.
This 1 minute video provides an overview of how you can maximize the value you receive from this workshop!

Overview of the three optional tools to help you prepare your statement
Since we only have a short time together, I want to focus on the parts of the framework that will have the greatest impact on your ability to put this information to use immediately. With this in mind, I ask that you come to the presentation with a written statement of the strategy you’ll be working during our time together. It has been my experience that those who come compared with their strategy written down, instead of thinking of one on the spot, receive more value from this experience. I’ve made a couple of resources available that you may find helpful as you prepare:
1. There is the one page quick reference sheet that provides an example of strategy and a yellow highlighted space for you to write your strategy.
2. Below is an expanded article with more details about how to prepare your strategy statement for the workshop.
3. Below is also a high-level overview infographic of the steps to create your written stratey statement for the workshop.
Optional Tool #1:
The One-Page Quick Worksheet to Write Your Strategy Statement
This worksheet, that was provided through your Chair, provides an example of a strategy in the way I’ll be defining that term for the workshop. It also includes a yellow highlighted space for you to write your strategy. You can download this sheet by clicking on the picture or clicking on this link: Download the One-Page Quick Worksheet
Optional Tool #2:
The Extended Guide to Writing Your Strategy Statement for the Workshop
This is a short article that provides more details about the steps for writing your strategy statement in preparation for the workshop. You can download this guide by clicking on the picture or clicking on this link:
Download the Extended Guide
Optional Tool #3:
Overview (from the Video)
of Writing Your
Strategy Statement
For those prefer a more visual look at the steps, this infographic provides a high-level view of the steps discussed in the guide. You can download this infographic by clicking on the picture or clicking on this link:Download the Overview of Steps